Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Adventure 39 - Reminiscing

I'm friends with a lot of the girls and some of my coaches from my high school softball team, and looking at all their softball posts made me realize how much I actually miss it. It's not just the hitting, I can get that at the batting cages back home. I mean being part of the team. JV's 13-5 record junior year. Our comeback win over the number-one team in the state after our shortstop busted her knee mid-game. Counting hits, at-bats, runs, any stat I could think of. Making sure everyone's were spelled correctly (most of the time they weren't). Getting my own jersey as a manager. Being able to rattle off game scores on demand. Being the unofficial team mom and lending stuff to the freshmen who forgot theirs. Dishing out bandaids and ice packs. My hideous pink bat. Avoiding all the rocks and dog poop on the JV field. Getting stuck in the briars getting foul balls. Still not remembering the away win cheer after three years. And knowing that my generally unorthodox contribution to the team meant something to someone.

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